Saturday, March 27, 2010

MUSINGS version 1.0

Getting old is not for sissies.
-Bette Davis

Dear James' body,

Why can't I lie down on my stomach anymore? It was my favorite way to read - lying on the bed on my stomach. I always fell asleep best when on my stomach. But now, if I'm that way for any length of time (more than 5 minutes), I can't stand up without my back going into spasms. I had a massage 6 months ago, and it took me 10 minutes to be able to stand up straight afterwards. I've been exercising regularly (well, ok, once in a while) and generally, my back has felt better than it has in years. So what's up with that? Could you stop getting older?

Much thanks,


PS if you could one more little favour for me: Talk to my eyes and tell them to get rid of the bags. kthxbi!

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Who the hell is this James guy anyway?

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I'm a 39 year-old professional musician from Montreal.